There is room and a great need for qualified Equine Iridologists in Canada, and I am honored to have studied from the world renowned Ellen Collinson and I hope to continue with her legacy in helping horses and their owners.
The iris holds a ton of information! It shows the health of your horses, genetic strengths or weaknesses; It can give information about the digestive system, organs and the Central Nervous System. It also gives information about toxic load and possible parasites and Mineral imbalances. Trauma can also be seen, from current or older injuries.
If you are having any ongoing problems with your horse/pony, or are just interested in their general health, inherited or genetic strengths/weaknesses, you can send me photographs of their eyes. Instructions are below.
It is recommended to have assessments done annually to monitor your horse's health.
· In person Iridology Assessments are $150 plus travel.
$5 off per horse for more than 3.
· Online Iridology assessments are available at $150 CAD
An Iridology Assessment includes:
Please allow 7 to 14 days for results.
· For an on-line eye assessment, take 2 to 3 close up shots of both eyes (not just the side of the head with an eye on it) Make sure I can see both the upper, and especially the lower half of the eye as this is where all of the organ systems are.
*It's imperative that the pictures that are sent are as clear as possible.
· The photos need to be high resolution and about 1-2 MB size.
· Email or Facebook message the photos to Lisa at
· Payments can be made by E-transfer or cash. .
Once payment is received, you will be emailed a detailed report of the assessment with Feeding and Herbal Medicine Recommendations.
Other information I'll need:
Cell Phone Camera:
Digital Camera: Contact me for more detailed information on how to take the best picture.
Text, courtesy of Ellen Collinson
Disclaimer – I am not a veterinarian or doctor. The information on this site is based on the traditional and historic use of herbs as well as personal experience and is provided for general reference and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or promote any direct or implied health claims. This information and/or products recommended are not intended to replace professional veterinary and/or medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet and/or doctor. I present the information supplied here without guarantees, and I disclaim all liability in connection with the use of any herbs, products and/or information. Any person making the decision to act upon this information is responsible for investigating and understanding the effects of their own actions.
What is Iridology?
Iridology is the science and study of the iris of the eye commonly practiced in Europe.
It is a painless, simple, non-invasive alternative medicine technique examining the patterns, colours, markings and other characteristics of the Iris to determine information about the horse’s systemic health – what is happening inside the body.
These different characteristics of the Iris show where and which organs or body parts are under stress long before they become diseased, or where there is an inherited weakness, any muscle spasms, temperament and behavior problems and other influences. The markings and coloration change in the iris as the condition of the body tissue changes. The Eye and Iris change in form with any changes in the body chemistry.
There is an intricate link between the eye and the brain via the nervous system, and iris nerve cells record vibratory changes in the rest of the body and respond to tissue changes. Iris markings include dark marks, white marks, stress lines–(which look like deep cuts), lactic acid lines (which look like brush markings) and radii solarii which are raised ridges on the iris.
Changes in the Iris patterns can be used to detect a problem, illness or lameness that could be manifesting weeks or months ahead of time. Therefore, we can take steps to treat the problem before it becomes an illness or lameness. Also, combining Iridology with any obvious symptoms and signs, helps us establish holistically, the root cause of an existing problem.
Many illnesses are simply symptoms of an organ malfunction, iridology can reveal the root cause of the illness so that the right treatment is easier and more effective.
History of Iridology:
The iris of the eye has been studied by healers sinceancient Egyptians, classical Greeks, and throughout Europe since before the 9th century. Iris mapping was advanced in the late 1800’s by the studies of Dr.Ignatz von Peczely.
In the 1st World War Dr. Stephenson, a veterinary surgeon, and his young assistant Syd Mercer worked together in the remount section, and they took particularly note of the markings in eyes of the injured, diseased and dying horses.
Later in life, Syd Mercer became known as the “Magic Man” in the horse racing world, as he reputably helped several racehorses win major listed races. Syd Mercer would carefully study a horse’s eyes before prescribing remedies for it, many of them being herbal, and he became in all likelihood the first recognized equine iridologist.
Ellen Collinson followed and continued these Iridology studies in the UK and all over Europe, becoming one of the most knowledgeable Equine Iridologists in the world.
Iridology is NOT a diagnostic tool, as it cannot determine specific diseases, but it does give us insight into what we can do to strengthen areas and systems in the horse’s body to live a healthier life. This science is used as a nutritional guide that can assist all animals toward a higher level of health.
For example, inherited kidney weakness is one of the main things that will show up clearly in the eye and horses who have this weakness are prone to tying up and also the "sore back" or "cold back" syndrome.
For which types of issues does iridology work best? Professional iridologists agree that acute, sub-acute, chronic and degenerative conditions of the body are all reflected in the iris. Many times, clients call because of behavioral issues going on with their horse. It’s excellent as part of a Pre-purchase ‘exam’ and can tell not only if a horse has physical issues that might not at first be detectable, but can get a feel for their temperament so the owner can decide if the horse is a good match for them.
What Can Equine Iridology Detect?
Iridology can indicate whether a horse might be suited to particular disciplines – for instance, a horse with kidney weaknesses is unlikely to be suited to endurance events, unless it is given herbal support for the kidneys.
What Equine Iridology Cannot Detect:
Iridology will not be able to:
*Iridology is not intended to substitute medical or veterinary advice or treatment. If you have any concerns regarding your equine, you should consult your Veterinarian.
Text, courtesy of Ellen Collinson
Disclaimer – I am not a veterinarian or doctor. The information on this site is based on the traditional and historic use of herbs as well as personal experience and is provided for general reference and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or promote any direct or implied health claims. This information and/or products recommended are not intended to replace professional veterinary and/or medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet and/or doctor. I present the information supplied here without guarantees, and I disclaim all liability in connection with the use of any herbs, products and/or information. Any person making the decision to act upon this information is responsible for investigating and understanding the effects of their own actions.
Most animal health problems - just like their people - are related to poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, lack of exercise and emotional stress. Diet, nutrition & lifestyle are the leading cause of the symptoms & health conditions that your horse is experiencing.
Horses are Herbivores - Iridology and Herbal Nutrition complement each other extremely well. There are certain herbs for specific problems, but there are many herbs that do more than one job.
Besides their nutritive properties, herbs also have medicinal properties which detoxify and support the body to speed the healing process.
By allowing the body to heal itself with the aid of herbs (rather than using conventional means in some cases) it helps to ensure against recurring illnesses and injuries.
Herbs can also be used as a preventative medicine, which is especially useful for horses that show inherited weaknesses.
Iridology helps the owner/practitioner assess where to start offering remedies, or which herbal support is needed for maintenance once the horse's immediate concerns have been addressed.
Given the proper environment, both internally and externally, horses can draw on their own abilities to strengthen their immune system and their natural vital force. This positively impacts their organ health, their cellular energy, and old injuries or traumas.
By nurturing these healing abilities with diet corrections, therapeutic nutrition, natural medicines, as well as lifestyle changes, all kinds of miracles are possible.
Some text, courtesy of Ellen Collinson
Disclaimer – I am not a veterinarian or doctor. The information on this site is based on the traditional and historic use of herbs as well as personal experience and is provided for general reference and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or promote any direct or implied health claims. This information and/or products recommended are not intended to replace professional veterinary and/or medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet and/or doctor. I present the information supplied here without guarantees, and I disclaim all liability in connection with the use of any herbs, products and/or information. Any person making the decision to act upon this information is responsible for investigating and understanding the effects of their own actions.
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